Compass to Publish
Are you suspicious of a journal's authenticity? Is it a predatory journal?
These are legitimate questions if you're invited to submit a paper that:
- promises your rapid publication;
- has procedures and/or policies that look suspicious;
- is outside of your area(s) of expertise.
Compass to Publish
helps you determine the degree of authenticity of open access journals requiring or hiding article processing charges (APCs) using a criteria-based evaluation
aims to help the scholarly community to better understand predatory journals and publishers
is not designed for open access journals that explicitly state that they do not require article processing charges (APCs)
does not evaluate the quality of a journal, but its degree of authenticity
does not pretend to offer an exhaustive list of criteria for the identification of predatory journals
does not pretend to offer a formal evaluation in a few clicks, but aims to involve researchers in a critical and analytical process