Patron-Driven Acquisition and Evidence-Based Acquisition: how to implement these models to expand the online documentary offer without going through a traditional purchasing process?

Presenter: Marion Favre, E-resources Librarian (EPFL, Switzerland)


For the past two years, the EPFL Library has been testing new acquisition models: the PDA (Patron Driven Acquisition) and the EBA (Evidence Based Acquisition), allowing users to get access to e-books do not currently belong to the Library’s collections.

Our talk will focus on the method we used to deploy these models and to adapt them to our institution specific context:

  • set up: preliminary study, workflow adaptation, referencing in the catalog;
  • criteria for the choice of suppliers;
  • adjustments over time: analysis of usage, cost analysis and revision of the title selection;
  • benefits for users;
  • assessment after two years.
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